Dress For Success at MCS
The purpose of the student dress code is to reinforce the district’s mission to ensure that all students will acquire the academic and social skills to enable them to function successfully as productive citizens.
Student attire should reflect an atmosphere of mutual respect and not be a distraction to the learning environment.
The dress code isn’t just about how students look: it’s also about how they behave and achieve.
Students are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate for school and school related functions. Student dress should reflect the idea that school is a place of business where students are learning both academic and social skills. Dress should not be disruptive to the instructional process.
Dress code expectations are intended to promote an emotionally safe environment for all students and to avoid incidences of harassment that might occur as a result of dress that is inappropriate for a school setting.
This code is applicable in all schools, facilities and grade levels.
Appropriate Shirts
Clothing and accessories should not promote alcohol, tobacco, drug usage or display violence. Full-length shirts must be worn and extend over the waistband.
Appropriate Leg Wear
Dresses, Skirts and Shorts must extend to at least the mid-thigh (not shorter than 5 inches above the knee).
Appropriate Footwear
Certain classes require special footwear. For example, Physical Education classes require sneakers.
Bedroom shoes or slippers are not appropriate.
Clothing containing inappropriate graphics or language
Clothing or accessories that contain messages that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, sexually explicit, potentially disruptive or that denigrate others because of race, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability will not be allowed.
Items that could be considered weapons such as heavy chains or studs are prohibited.
Anything revealing
1) Tank tops (straps less than 2” wide), crop tops, muscle shirts, tube tops or necklines where cleavage is not covered. Shirts should not be backless. There should be no midriff exposure.
2) Any article of clothing that is see-through or made of netting or mesh
3) Underwear must be covered at all times
Students may wear hooded sweatshirts, but the hood portion of the garment may not be worn indoors.
Athletic Uniforms
Athletic uniforms that are inconsistent with the school dress code should not be worn during the school day.
What Happens If The Dress Code Is Violated?
Students who violate the dress code will be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item and replacing it with an acceptable item.