It’s nice to get a pat on the back sometimes.
Mayfield schools are embracing that idea. The school district is beginning a program next week that is designed to increase parent and school communication while recognizing student improvement.
Parents will receive post cards when a teacher or administrator feels their child is working hard to succeed.
“We’re going to focus on the positive, instead of only calling when a student gets into trouble,” said Jr./Sr. High School Principal Christopher Wojeski. “We’re trying to focus on improvement, focusing on those who may have struggled in the past but who have shown some growth.”

He said the Jr./Sr. High School also revived its Student of the Month designation this year, as another way of recognizing students who are trying harder.
He said there aren’t any hard and fast criteria for the recognition at this point. That may be something that could be developed by teachers in the future as a way of ensuring that students are recognized in a consistent way.