1. Communication During Closing
a. Mayfield Central School District Website
b. Twitter
c. Blackboard Connect
d. All staff will have access to their emails during the regularly scheduled school hours.
2. Continuity of Operations
a. Payroll will continue on schedule.
b. BOE Meetings will continue.
c. Boxed breakfast and lunches will be distributed from Mayfield Elementary School on weekdays from 9:00 to 11:00.
3. Home Instruction
a. Flexible Learning Opportunities will be available through this website for Elementary, Middle and High School students.
b. Teachers will prepare lessons that will be distributed accordingly.
c. All instruction will be differentiated in order to meet the needs of ALL our students.
d. Students will be able to turn assignments in for grading online.
e. Internet connectivity permitting, all students and teacher swill have access to Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Classroom throughout the closing.