Mayfield artists continue to shine!

Congratulations to our talented students who have recently accepted awards at different local art galleries.  Students from Richard Kent’s art class, Abrianna Hayes and Logan Farman, were selected as award winners at the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Art’s Regional Art Show. Abrianna took home two awards: First Place Student Award of Excellence for her …

Attention 8th Graders! You’re Invited to DREAM BIG: Introduction to Careers in the Engineering Field

Join us for an Introduction to Careers in the Engineering Field Night! Date: May 11, 2023 Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM Location: HFM BOCES Career and Technical Center, 2755 State Highway 67, Johnstown, NY HFM BOCES and the Fulton-Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce have partnered with Greenman-Pedersen, Inc., a national engineering and construction services firm, …

22 new members inducted into National Honor Society

Twenty-two students were inducted into the Mayfield Junior-Senior High Chapter of the National Honor Society during an evening ceremony held on March 28 in the Mayfield Junior-Senior High Auditorium. Current NHS members served as senior sponsors for the new inductees, all juniors, and welcomed each with a speech highlighting their accomplishments. The ceremony also recognized …

Students’ work selected for “2022-2023 24 Hours: A Photographic Interpretation of Life in the Adirondacks”

Congratulations to Mayfield High School students Ava Rulison, Madison Andrews, Madison Rhodes and Sierra Carentz: Their work has been selected for “2022-2023 24 Hours: A Photographic Interpretation of Life in the Adirondacks,” an exhibition at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts. Their winning photos will be display at the center’s gallery in Lake Placid …

Maya Rohling’s artwork chosen for FMCC Regional High School Art Exhibition

Visitors to Fulton Montgomery Community College’s annual Regional High School Art Exhibition will view artwork by Mayfield sophomore Maya Rohling, whose drawing was accepted into the April 1-13 event. The juried exhibition will take place in FMCC’s Perrella Gallery. Maya, a student in Rik Kent’s Studio Art class, had to choose a photograph to draw …

HS juniors, seniors invited to FMCC Open House

On Saturday, April 1, 11th and 12th grade students are invited to visit SUNY Fulton Montgomery Community College (FMCC) for a Spring Open House. They will kick off the day at 10 a.m. at Allen House with a breakfast with faculty and staff, then attend program information sessions, learn about student services, and receive a …

Mayfield Jazz Ensemble brings home festival honors

If you are walking through our high school and hear some really cool sounds, it might be the Mayfield Jazz Ensemble. Last month, Mayfield was among 20 school jazz ensembles from all over New York State who performed for a panel of expert judges and participated in workshops facilitated by those judges at the Fonda-Fultonville …

Alumna architect inspires Arts in Business students

Architectural designer and MCSD alumna Nicole Little, Class of 2013, presented lots of information about career opportunities, educational and licensing pathways, software, design, creativity and more to Jeremy Lebediker’s Arts in Business class on March 2. Nicole’s employer, Architects FORA, is based in California, but several members of their staff work remotely, including Nicole. They …

HS students lead younger peers through anti-bullying, empathy exercises

Mayfield High School students headed to the Elementary School in early March to lead their younger peers through anti-bullying and empathy-promoting exercises. The high school students tapped into skills learned through working with Pat Fish of Sweethearts & Heroes. Fish returned to Mayfield High School and Elementary School on March 2 and 3 to continue …

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