Pre-K Lottery will be held for the 2025-26 School Year

Due to the number of Pre-K registration packets we have received, the Mayfield Central School District will be holding a Pre-K lottery for the 2025-26 school year. To be included in the Pre-K lottery for the 2025-26 school year, all completed registration information must be handed by Friday, March 28 before 4:00pm. The lottery will …

Mayfield Elementary raises $21,437.88 for American Heart Association

  Mayfield Elementary students recently joined millions of other children across the country in a meaningful opportunity to both learn about the importance of heart health and help raise money for a great cause. Participating in their 16th year of the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge, Mayfield Elementary students, staff and families came together …

Mayfield hosts Community Walking Program

Mayfield Central School District is happy to announce our new Community Walking Program beginning on Monday, Feb. 3. This program will be held at Mayfield Elementary School, 80 N. Main Street, Mayfield, and be available to walkers Monday-Friday from 5-8pm. The program will only be available on days school has been in session and is …

Mayfield launches LINQ Connect

In efforts to enhance convenience and simplify the lives of parents and guardians, Mayfield Central School District has partnered with LINQ to implement LINQ Connect. This innovative platform is designed to improve the way payments for school lunch expenses are made. This online payment system will be replacing MySchoolBucks starting on Monday, Dec. 2, 2024. …

Elementary Students Honor SSO at Veterans Day Assembly

Mayfield Elementary School students gathered Friday morning to honor the veterans of the school community and express their gratitude to all of those who have served in the US Military. As a special tribute, they presented Brett Dutcher, the Elementary school security officer, with a Quilt of Valor, made by fourth grade student Evan Jones …

Mayfield Partners with Cartwheel for Virtual Mental Health Services

Mayfield Central School District has partnered with Cartwheel, a virtual mental health provider offering no-waitlist access to services including therapy, medication evaluation and management, parent guidance, and family therapy.  Cartwheel is the trusted mental health partner to schools. Their team of therapists and child psychiatrists has decades of experience serving students and works exclusively with …

Meet Our New Administrators

Mr. Christopher Clapper Superintendent of Schools Mr. Clapper has more than 20 years of experience in public education and has held leadership roles for the past 11 years. Beginning his teaching career as a high school social studies teacher, he went on to serve as the elementary school principal in the Southern Cayuga Central School …

Free breakfast and lunch for the 2024-25 school year

We are pleased to again provide FREE breakfast and lunch to the Mayfield Central School District for the 2024-25 school year. This means all students enrolled at Mayfield Central School District are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household each day of the 2024-25 school year. …

Mayfield BOE appoints new principals, assistant principal and dean of students

The Mayfield Central School District Board of Education is pleased to announce the appointment of four accomplished education professionals to the positions of principals, assistant principal and dean of students. Joshua Santarcangelo, Melanie O’Neill, John J. Pierce and Teresa Lowe were appointed at a Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, June 11th. They will assume …

Summer EBT Food Benefits Available

Beginning this year, New York State will launch Summer EBT, a new program that provides low-income families with food benefits to help cover the cost of groceries when school is out of session. Families with eligible school-aged children will receive $120 in Summer EBT food benefits (per eligible child) in 2024. Most eligible children will …

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