Athletics Ineligibility Policy

Students in grades 7-12 who have grades below 65% or incompletes in two (2) or more subjects will be placed on INELIGIBILITY for a period of five (5) weeks. A list of students will be generated after each progress report and after each report card.


  • Will NOT be able to participate in athletic contests. However, he/she will remain on the team and participate in practice sessions.
  • Will NOT participate in extracurricular activities such as: Key Club, Builder’s Club, Theater Arts, etc.
  • Will be on STUDY HALL RESTRICTION. May have a pass to the library only if he/she has a note from teacher stating research is required for a project or report.
  • Will be assigned mandatory extra help sessions.
    Students MAY participate in athletic contests, extracurricular activities, and regain study hall privileges if they are passing each week. On Thursday or Friday of each week, the student will pick up an ELIGIBILITY FORM in the Main Office, or download from the documents list on the website and take it to each class to be completed and signed by each teacher. This form will then be presented to the Mayfield Jr. Sr. High School Principal or Athletic Director/Assistant to the Principal on Friday, for APPROVAL, after which the signed form is to be given to the coach/advisor. Failure to submit a completed form will result in full enforcement of the ineligibility sanctions.

September Ineligibility List

The first ineligibility list will contain names of students who have failed a course in the previous year (or summer school) and are repeating that course of study in the current year, those whose attendance or behavior have negatively impacted academic performance, or are added for legitimate educational purposes by the building principal.