Student Handbook


Announcements are made routinely at the beginning of each school day during 1st period (homeroom). There are times when emergency circumstances require that announcements be made at other times. Any announcements that relate to the operation of the school and to school organizations will be made at scheduled times. All other announcements that may directly or indirectly concern the school, or may involve information needed by students from outside agencies must be cleared with the principal or someone designated by the principal. Various bulletin boards have been made available for various groups and organizations in the school. Students should check the bulletin boards daily.


Mayfield participates in the Western Athletic Conference in Section 2 of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA). Mayfield offers the following sports during the academic year: Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country Running, Golf, Swimming, Cross Country Skiing, Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field. Get involved with a winning tradition of athletic excellence at Mayfield by joining a sports team.

Attendance Policy

Mayfield Central School recognizes that active student attendance in school is an important component of student success. Student interaction with teachers and other students in class helps to enhance the academic learning experience and provides a basis by which students can demonstrate mastery of subject matter. All students are expected to attend school and classes each day on time and be prepared to learn. In the case of a student absence, tardiness, or early departure, students must follow the district attendance policy. Students and their families are responsible for attendance at school.

In the event a student is unable to attend a scheduled, after school session of Academic Intervention Services (AIS) or an assigned detention due to a doctor’s appointment, a note from that doctor’s office must be provided. This doctor’s note will serve as a legal excuse. A note from a parent/guardian will not be accepted. In addition, the AIS session or detention will be rescheduled to be served the following school day. A full copy of the attendance policy is available upon request in the high school main office, library, and the Superintendent’s office.


Students who come to school on a bus must return home on the same bus. No notes will be accepted for changes in transportation unless a change in residence is determined and approved by the Transportation Director. Riding the school bus is a privilege. Improper conduct on the bus will result in that privilege being denied. Only regularly scheduled bus students are to ride the school bus. Bus students are to go immediately to their assigned bus at dismissal and report directly to the school building upon arrival.


To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced lunch is offered at a reasonable price. The menu is posted in various places throughout the building, including the main office and classrooms. There is no charging.

The Mayfield Central School District has adopted a new computerized Point of Sale payment system for all school meals purchased in the district’s cafeterias. Every student will be given their own personal lunchroom account number. Students can access their accounts on the PIN pads located at every register. Each student will receive their ID number, which correlates to the account on the system. This system also has the students’ picture on the screen when their account is drawn up, which will help reduce any errors.

Parents are able to deposit money into the student’s account, although the students may still pay cash. Monies paid into a student account can only be used for the purchase of meals. This way, parents are assured that their money is being used to purchase only lunch. All ala carte items must be paid for with cash. When sending in money by check or cash, please include the student’s name and ID number with the payment, so it is deposited into the correct account.

If your student has qualified for free or reduced price meals, this information is securely contained within the system and the meal will be processed just as it is for all other students. There is no need to be concerned for a potentially uncomfortable situation for the student.

If you are concerned about a food allergy that your child has and have documented medical information on file in the nurse’s, please notify the cafeteria with this information. A warning will appear on the cashier’s screen for a quick review of the items on the student’s meal tray.

The cafeteria is the only place suitable for eating in the building. All food is to be consumed in the cafeteria. The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the school. All students must report to the cafeteria during their assigned lunch period. The lunchroom management and fellow students will appreciate cooperation in:

  • Depositing all lunch litter in wastebaskets.
  • Returning all trays and utensils to the dish washing area.
  • Leaving the table and floor around your place in a clean condition for others.
  • Courtesy and cleanliness are the rules!

CD/MP3/ Cell Phones

No communication devices including cell phones, iPods, iPads, other mp3 players, or headphones/ear buds, etc. are allowed during instruction time and must be PUT AWAY in a book bag, pocketbook or under the desk.  Headphones or ear buds may not remain out or around the neck during class.  Students in violation may lose the privilege to bring these electronic devices to school.   

After an initial warning, any student caught using a cell phone for calls or text messaging will have their phone confiscated and will serve a 9th period detention in the main office. The cell phone will only be returned to the student at 2:52 PM, after the detention concludes.     

Progressive disciplinary measures will be enforced, as students will be assigned to a 3:15 PM detention on their second offense, then a 4:00 PM detention on the third offense and each subsequent violation. After the third offense, a parent or guardian must retrieve their child’s cell phone from the main office. In emergency situations, students may use their cell phone in the main office. 


Mayfield offers a number of club/ extracurricular activities to get involved with. The following list includes some of these exciting and fun activities/ clubs you can get involved with: S.A.D.D., Student Council, Jr. or Sr. H.S. Band and Chorus, Jazz Ensemble, Outdoor Club, Builders Club, Key Club, Drama Club, Brainstorm, Yearbook, Odyssey of the Mind, Post Prom, Guitar Club and Mock Trial. Your high school experience is what you make of it. Get and stay involved with your school!

Code of Conduct

Mayfield offers a number of club/ extracurricular activities to get involved with. The following list includes some of these exciting and fun activities/ clubs you can get involved with: S.A.D.D., Student Council, Jr. or Sr. H.S. Band and Chorus, Jazz Ensemble, Key Club, Drama Club, Yearbook, and Post Prom. Your high school experience is what you make of it. Get and stay involved with your school!

  • Disruptive Behavior: A student who is substantially disruptive of the educational process or substantially interferes with a teacher’s authority over the classroom will be removed from the classroom. No one has the right to disrupt the ability of another individual or group to learn in our school.
  • Student Responsibilities: Students are expected to behave in a manner that is based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honesty and integrity.
  • Prohibited Student Conduct/Public Conduct on School Property: Students, spectators, and visitors may not engage in conduct that is disorderly, insubordinate, disruptive, violent, or endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of others.
  • Disciplinary Penalties: Disciplinary action will be progressive, firm, fair and consistent in an effort to effectively change student behavior.
  • Discipline of Students with Disabilities: The procedures followed for disciplinary action of students with disabilities are consistent with the procedural safeguards required by applicable laws and regulations.
  • Student Searches and Interrogations: School officials are authorized to conduct searches and question students without any type of “Miranda” warning. School officials are not required to contact a student’s parent before questioning or searching a student. Student lockers, classroom facilities, and other school owned areas and materials are open to inspection at any time.
  • Expectations for student conduct while attending extracurricular activities, social or athletic functions: While attending extracurricular activities, social or athletic functions, school officials are authorized to test students who they feel, with reasonable suspicion, may be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. Refusal to comply with such a test will be considered an admission of guilt subject to disciplinary actions per the Mayfield School Code of Conduct.
  • Visitors to the School: All visitors are required to sign in and out at the main office. Visitors will be issued an identification badge which must be worn at all times while on school grounds. The visitor must return the identification badge to the main office before leaving the building.

Student visitors must also report to the main office. If a student wishes to invite someone to attend classes, they must request permission from the Principal at least one week in advance. Students must accompany their guests at all times during their visit.

Here’s the entire Code of Conduct.

Computer Lab

Our multipurpose computer labs are equipped with up-to-date technology and designed to support instruction. Students are expected to use all school computers and equipment in an appropriate manner. Improper use of computers can result in the loss of computer privileges and other disciplinary action.

Dress Code

All students are expected to pay proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance.

A student’s dress, grooming and appearance shall:

  • Be safe, appropriate and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
  • Skirts and dresses may not be shorter than 4 inches above the knee. Shorts will be no shorter than 5 inches above the knee (Bermuda shorts at this length are typically acceptable). All skirts, shorts and dresses should be measured for appropriate length at home, prior to arriving to school.
  • Recognize that extremely brief garments such as tube tops, net tops, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, plunging neckline (front and/or back) and see-through garments are not allowed.
  • Ensure that all undergarments are completely covered with outer clothing. Low rider pants/shorts/skirts are not permitted. Any jeans, pants, skirts, shorts, etcetera, that have holes above the knee, which expose skin are a violation of the school dress code.
  • Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed.
  • Exclude items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous or denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
  • Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs and or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
    No bandanas or sweat bands
  • Junior High School students are not permitted to wear hats during class time.

Each building principal, assistant principal or his or her designee shall be responsible for informing all students and their parents of the student dress code at the beginning of the school year and any revisions to the dress code made during the school year. Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item and if necessary or practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to discipline; up to and including in-school suspension or out of school suspension for the day.

Early Release for Gainfully Employed Students/Seniors

Seniors may apply for early release from school for educational situations or legitimate employment opportunities. The school reserves the right to approve or disapprove any application based on educational, behavioral, social, emotional, or other concerns. To obtain an early release application, see your guidance counselor or the main office during non-class times (study hall, activity period, etc.).

Equal Opportunity Policy (Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment)

If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination and/or harassment that violates the Mayfield CSD Equal Opportunity Policy, you should consult the full policy or follow the guideline below. Copies of the complete policy are available upon request in the elementary and high school main offices, libraries, and the Superintendent’s office.

As a student in the district, you should be aware that no student, teacher, coach, administrator or other person associated with the District has the right to:

  • Request or force you to have any sexual contact with them.
  • Request or force you to have any type of personal relationship you are not comfortable with.
  • Make any unwelcome sexual remarks.
  • Engage in any other type of behavior towards you that is prohibited by this policy.
  • If another student or an employee of the District does any of the things listed above you should do one or all of the following things:

Tell the person who is making you feel uncomfortable to “stop” and let them know that his or her conduct is not welcomed.
Inform a parent, trusted teacher or adult, guidance counselor, administrator, or coach about the incident as soon as possible.

File a written complaint with the District’s Compliance Officers in accordance with the complaint procedures described in the complete policy, available by request at the main office or the Superintendent’s office.

Extra Help/Academic Intervention Services

As required by the Federal Law No Child Left Behind, and the New York State Education Department any student who is unable to pass required regents exams or reach certain benchmarks on our district standardized testing will be required to receive academic intervention services. You will be required to attend AIS classes in the subject in which you are having difficulty for a minimum of 20 weeks. Attendance and participation in AIS classes is required.

If you are in need of additional help in understanding a concept in class, on how to properly complete a homework assignment, or in preparing for an upcoming examination, please be sure to contact your teacher to arrange to get extra help. It is important to get the help you need before any major academic problems arise. If you start to struggle or obtain a failing average, you should expect to be assigned extra help sessions with your teachers. Attendance at these extra help sessions is useful in getting you back on track and may become a mandatory requirement.

Fire Drills/Emergency Procedures and Evacuations

The ringing of the fire alarm bells signifies a need to evacuate the building for a fire or other emergencies as quietly and as quickly as possible. Familiarize yourself with the evacuation route in each of your classrooms. Fire drills are practice for life or death situations and will be taken seriously at all times. There should be no talking or disorderly conduct. In the event that an exit is blocked, proceed in an orderly manner to the nearest available exit. You will be advised to move away from the building or off of school grounds in the event of an emergency. Do not return to the building until directed by school faculty. Emergency drills will also be held by bus drivers throughout the school year.

In addition, in accordance with “Safe Schools” legislation, the Mayfield Central School District has a Safety Plan which sets procedure for other types of emergency situations. During the school year there will be occasions where students will be asked to practice possible lock-down/out situations. This type of drill could extend over a longer period of time than normal fire drill procedures.

Guidance Services

Guidance services are available for every student in the school. Academic services include assistance with educational planning, scheduling, interpretation of test scores, post-secondary planning, study skills development, and monitoring academic concerns. Students with questions concerning academic issues should see one of the school counselors. Help with home, school and or/other social or emotional concerns is also available. Please see the school social worker for confidential support with these issues. Remember, we are here to help support all students.


You will be assigned a locker to keep your coat, books, papers and personal belongings. Use only the locker that is assigned to you. It is your responsibility to keep the locker locked at all times. Your locker is school property and is subject to periodic inspections by school officials. Writing, decals, or pictures of poor taste on the locker are prohibited. You are subject to reimbursing the school for any damages to the locker.

Lost and Found

If students have misplaced or lost items such as a book, article of clothing, notebook, handbag, musical instrument, glasses, etc. they should notify the main office as soon as possible. Periodically, students should check the main office to see if the item has been turned in. Personal items not claimed are given to charitable organizations. Students are encouraged to leave valuables or irreplaceable items to home. The school is not responsible for lost/stolen items.

Nurse/Health Office

The school nurse is available throughout the day in case you become ill or injured. If you need to see the nurse, notify your teacher, obtain a pass and go to the health office for medical assistance. The nurse may also provide counseling for health-related problems or refer you to a doctor or agency. If a student is injured or becomes ill in school, he or she should report to the nurse who will determine a plan of action. Students are not permitted to leave the building because of injury or illness without authorization. If the nurse is not in, students are to report to the office. Students authorized by a parent and a physician to take medication at school will report to the nurse. All medication must remain in the health office at all times.

Student Pass Book

It is required that all students have their student handbook with them at all times. This first book is offered at no charge. A replacement fee of $5.00 will be charged to students for additional books. Each student is accountable for their own passbook. Students are not permitted to share passbooks.

Physical Education

Physical education is an important part of your high school experience. Successful completion of this course each year is a requirement of graduation. Students are expected to be prepared and ready to participate in each class with a full change of clothing and proper footwear.

Report Cards

Report cards are issued every 10 weeks (4 times a year). Progress reports will be sent home at the 5-week midpoint of each marking period. Please see the school website for progress report and end-of-the-marking period dates. Final report cards will not be issued until all student fines/fees are paid in full through the guidance office.

Schedule Changes

Students should discuss any concerns about their schedule with their guidance counselor and/or principal. All schedule changes should be made before the beginning of the school year. Only changes of an emergency nature will be allowed after school starts. Schedules for students will be available during the summer for the following school year. As established by the Board of Education, a change in schedule would only be made to upgrade your academic program. In all cases, students are still required to maintain at least the minimum number of courses. Course change requests based solely on changing instructors will not be considered.

School Closings

In the event of inclement weather or other emergency situations, school may be closed or delayed. The same conditions may also necessitate early dismissal. School delays and closings can be found on the following TV and radio stations: WTEN Ch 10; WRGB Ch6; WNYT Ch 13; WXXATV Ch 8; WENT 1340AM; WGY 810AM; WFLY 92.3FM and WRVE 99.5 FM. If no report is heard, it can be assumed that school will be in session. Please do not call the school. Telephone lines must be kept open for emergencies. Any school delays (i.e. snow day) will alter the regular bell schedule. Teachers will give students the day’s schedule during 1st period class.

School Hours

Students should not be in the school building or on school property before 7:40 AM or after 2:45 PM unless they are participating in a supervised activity, or they receive permission from the principal. A complete bell schedule is available from your 1st period (homeroom) teacher. Changes in the bell/daily schedule will be announced by the main office as needed.

Student Parking/Driving Privileges

Permits to drive to/from school and to park on school property will be issued each school year at the discretion of the principal on the basis of need and past conduct. Applications to register your car should be picked up and returned to the main office. Designated student parking space will be announced at the beginning of the school year. Driving permits may be suspended or removed for violations such as; speeding, leaving school without permission and for other unsafe behavior or violations of the code of conduct.


The school furnishes books to all students. This is done with the expectation that this major investment will be properly safeguarded. Reasonable wear and tear is expected as a result of daily use. Unreasonable damage to textbooks will result in fines. Lost textbooks must be paid for and replaced immediately. Fines must be paid to the office at the time of damage or loss.

Work Permit

Work permit applications are available in the guidance office. Students must have a copy of their birth certificate, and complete an application in order to receive a working card.

What to do if I…

The following guidelines are provided to help you be successful, happy, and safe at our school. If you have any questions about how you should react to a situation, or if you want clarification, please do not hesitate to ask a school official, teacher, guidance counselor, or coach for additional guidance.

If you have been absent

You should bring a legitimate, written excuse with you to school the first day you return to the health office. Without a legitimate written excuse, you may be subject to disciplinary action.

Contact the guidance office before 10 AM on the day of the absence for help with gathering missed assignments.

Collect and complete your assignments within one day of your return.

If you are late to school

All students arriving late to school must report directly to the health office to sign in. To avoid disrupting instruction time, students significantly late will be asked to remain in the main office until their next class. Students arriving after the 7:55 bell will be assigned a 9th period detention that day. Depending on if your lateness is excused or unexcused; you may lose academic credit for that class.

If you are late to class

Make a mental note of why you were late so that you can make the necessary adjustments to avoid being late again in the future.

If you enter a class after the bell, you will be expected to have a pass.

If you do not have a pass, report to your class. Your teacher will report your lateness to the main office. Students late to class will be assigned a 9th period detention. Students late to class multiple times will be referred to the main office for further disciplinary action (4 o’clock detention, etc.).

If you become injured or ill at school

If your injury or illness is sudden, let the supervising teacher know what has happened immediately.

Secure a pass from your teacher to the nurse’s office. If the nurse is not present, go immediately to the main office and report your illness or injury.

If someone is harassing or bullying you

Get yourself into a safe environment as quickly as possible.

Report the incident to a teacher, guidance counselor, administrator, or trusted adult immediately.

Bullying and harassing behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Students in violation will be subject to disciplinary action.

If you want to play a sport or participate in an extracurricular activity/club

Maintain academic eligibility by passing classes.

Students on academic ineligibility will be responsible for completing an academic eligibility form every Thursday to determine weekly participation status. Students deemed unable to participate will be expected to show team sportsmanship by attending all practices and games.

If you have valuables

Do not bring expensive or valuable materials to school. Any valuables or large sums of money brought to school should be brought to the main office for safe keeping.

To ensure the safety of your personal and school property, it is imperative that you lock your belongings in the hall or gym locker assigned to you. Do not share your locker combination with other students.

If you bring a purse, book bag, CD player, communication devices, or other valuables to school, it is important that you keep them in your possession at all times.

Study Hall Rules

  • Talking is to be kept to a minimum. Students unable to do so will be assigned seats, or removed from their study hall.
  • No cards, board games, DVD players, or use of musical instruments are allowed.
  • Headphones are permitted, but must be kept low. Failure to do so will result in the loss of this privilege.
  • Cell phone use is not permitted for any reason (calls, text messaging, games, calculator, address books), and must be kept in bags at all times.
  • Snacks and drinks are permitted at the discretion of the teacher and must be cleaned up before the period is over. Failure to do so will result in loss of this privilege.
  • Students on ineligibility or pass restriction will not be allowed to sign out of study hall except: (1) to use the bathroom in the health office, and (2) with a pre-signed pass for academic work obtained prior to the study hall period from a teacher/administrator.
  • Students will be released individually to their locker or the bathroom.
  • Approximately five students will be allowed to sign out to the library. Students will be required to sign back into study hall before the end of the period. Students disruptive in the library will be sent back to study hall, and may be placed on pass restriction.

All students must be present until attendance is taken by the teacher. Students who have pre-signed passes or senior privileges may then sign out of study hall. All students must sign back into study hall before the end of the period. All students are responsible for signing themselves in and out of study hall. Violation of study hall rules or the pass system will result in restriction/removal of privileges.