Pre-K Lottery will be held for the 2025-26 School Year

Due to the number of Pre-K registration packets we have received, the Mayfield Central School District will be holding a Pre-K lottery for the 2025-26 school year. To be included in the Pre-K lottery for the 2025-26 school year, all completed registration information must be handed by Friday, March 28 before 4:00pm. The lottery will …

Art student’s photo selected in Adirondack photography contest

Mayfield junior Alexis Olden has earned her spot in the Lake Placid Institute’s 2025 photography contest, 24 Hours: A Photographic Interpretation of Life in the Adirondacks. Her photograph, “Eagle Eats Deer”, was one of the 20 winning pieces selected out of the over 200 submissions. Olden is in Jeremy Lebediker’s art class and has always …

Senior Dylan Scott sets new school record at NYS Bowling Championship

UPDATE: Dylan kicked off the morning session at states with an impressive 711 series, setting a new Mayfield school record! He finished the afternoon session with a 549 series, bringing his total pin count to 1,260 pins for the day. Congratulations to Dylan on an outstanding performance and incredible achievement to cap off his high …

MasterMinds Team Places 2nd in Invitational

The Mayfield MasterMinds team placed 2nd in the Central New York Winter Invitational competition held at Bishop Ludden in Syracuse on Saturday, March 1. MJ VanNostrand, Sam Kline and Maya Rohling competed in 12 games against 10 other schools. This placement qualifies the team to attend the Small School National Championship in Rosemont, Illinois  and …

Mayfield Artists represent district at Juried Art Exhibition

Mayfield art students, Abrianna Hayes and Angela Pagente, will be representing the district in the 31st Annual FMCC Juried Regional High School Art Exhibition. Abrianna’s piece titled “Regression” and Angela’s piece titled “Escher Tribute” will be displayed at SUNY FMCC’s Perella Gallery alongside the works of students from ten other regional high schools. Abrianna’s painting …

Mayfield inducts 25 into National Honor Society

Twenty-five students were inducted into the Mayfield Jr/Sr High Chapter of the National Honor Society during an evening ceremony held on Wednesday, Feb. 26 in the Mayfield Jr/Sr High School Auditorium with an audience of family, friends and faculty members. Opening remarks were made by Mayfield Jr/Sr High Principal, Mr. Josh Santarcangelo, and the Eternal …

Mayfield Elementary raises $21,437.88 for American Heart Association

  Mayfield Elementary students recently joined millions of other children across the country in a meaningful opportunity to both learn about the importance of heart health and help raise money for a great cause. Participating in their 16th year of the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge, Mayfield Elementary students, staff and families came together …

Jr/Sr High School holds Second Quarter Character Awards

The Mayfield Jr/Sr High School held its second quarter Character Assembly on Wednesday, Feb. 5 to recognize students who have demonstrated a strong sense of character focusing on the traits of creativity, determination, citizenship, industriousness, work ethic, perseverance, accountability and dedication. Each department selected students they feel have embodied these traits in the second quarter …

Jr/Sr High School – Second Quarter Honor Roll

Principal’s List (97-100):  Grade 12 – Katie Dutcher, Logan Farman, Abrianna Hayes, Samuel Kline, Kaylee Klymkow, Leah Lawrence, Maya Rohling Grade 11 – Aubrey Byrns, Kloe Fetrow,  Morgan Oare, Gavin Rowback, Mila Valachovic. Grade 10 – Isabella Horne, Alivia Kastberg, Lucille Kline, Jack Klingbeil, Halina Michaels, Abigail Powers, Abbey Rhodes, Samuel Rossbach, Giana Sinisi, Michael …

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