Mayfield Elementary raises $21,437.88 for American Heart Association


Mayfield Elementary students recently joined millions of other children across the country in a meaningful opportunity to both learn about the importance of heart health and help raise money for a great cause. Participating in their 16th year of the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge, Mayfield Elementary students, staff and families came together to raise a total of $21,437.88. This impressive amount of money brings Mayfield’s lifetime total donations to $253,336.96.

The Kids Heart Challenge teaches students how cardiovascular disease affects people, how their own hearts work, and how proper nutrition and physical activity can keep their heart healthy. Better cardiovascular health helps lower the risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems. Bringing attention to these life essentials are among the many reasons Mayfield has continued to participate in the Kids Heart Challenge.

After collecting donations throughout January, students in grades Pre-K through 6 participated in heart healthy activities in their physical education classes on Friday, Feb. 7. Stations included jump rope, bounce houses, a tight-rope walk and hands-only CPR practice.

A big thank you to Mr. Moore and Ms. Logan for organizing this event, as well as our parents and high school volunteers for helping to make this special day possible. High school volunteers included Ava Rulison, Ava Brooks, Mila Valachovic, Merella Aldi, Leah Lawrence, Anda Klim, Aydin Beck, Evan Hubiak, Kayden Martin, Maya Rohling, Haiden Laird, Kloe Fetrow, Aubrey Byrns, Kaylee Klymkow, Logan Farman, Morgan Oare and Hayle Ellis.

Thank you to our school community for coming together to raise this money and supporting our participation in this lifesaving, educational event for Mayfield students. We are proud to be a part of a community that cares about the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle.

To learn more about the American Heart Association and the Kids Heart Challenge visit

If you would like to donate to future events, contact Brian Moore at or Maris Logan at